Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Big Boy Table!

Now that it is SO cold outside, Leland's new thing is snuggling on the couch to watch cartoons in the morning!
Over Thanksgiving, we brought a small table with 2 chairs home. This table and chairs belonged to Jason and his Brother when they were younger. Leland LOVES it! Every morning he goes to the table and pulls his little chair out wanting breakfast. He eats here for almost all of his meals now. We eat in the kitchen with him unless we are sitting at the table. He does such a great job eating on his own, but he is not a fan of eating spaghetti, lasagna, etc. by himself. He doesn't like to get his hands in anything mushy. He is border line a no carb eater. He eats puffs and peanut butter sandwiches, but I have a hard time getting him to eat potato's, sweet potato's, macaroni and cheese, and rice. He prefers rice over any of the above. This child will eat as many green peas, butter peas, or beans that you will give him (weird I know, but I will take it!!).

This table also has put a stop to him roaming the house with food. I steam cleaned our white carpets the other night and hope to keep them clean! I don't mind if he drags his juice around because he will not drink plain juice. He will only drink all water and a splash of juice (again, weird I know, but I don't mind at all!).

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About Me

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Jason and I were married on March 1, 2008. We are each others best friend and wouldn't trade our lives for anything! Jason was born and raised in Newnan, GA and I was born and raised in Birmingham, AL where we now live. We have an awesome family that is always there for us. We had a beautiful baby boy, Leland Matthew, on July 22, 2009. He is now growing like a weed and so much fun! We have a very hectic life, but we love it! We take everything that God gives us and deal with it the best we can. We know he has a plan for our family and can't wait to see what the future brings!!
