You're my little Lovebug
My cuddly Kangaroo
My Funny Bunny
Sweet as honey
All of this is true!
You're my Punkin Wunkin
My Peaches and My Pie
My Bread-and-Butter
Peanut Butter
Apple of my eye.
You're my Wiggly Worm
My Busy Little Bee
My Silly Goose
My Moosey-Moose
My Monkey up a tree.
You're my Ice Cream Sandwich
My Watermelon Gum
My Soda Pop
My Lollipop
My Yummy Yummy Yum!
You're my Lovey Dovey
My Stinker Winker Bear
My Silly Willy
Alligator Stare.
You're my Bowl of Cherries
My Toast with Berry Jam
My Snickerdoodle
Chicken Noodle
What a Little Ham!
You're everything that's wonderful
You're all of the above!
But most of all
What you are
Is God's sweetest gift of love!
I love this book! It's so cute and sweet. I'm a nanny and the kids love this book!