I have been sewing non-stop since Mom and I took a beginners sewing class while I was pregnant. We learned how to make one pattern, but I have since taught my self how to make several more as well as monogram and applique'. I have made so many bubbles, John John's, and simple dresses, that I can make them in my sleep. Seriously, I can make a single outfit in 30 minutes or less if I am able to sit and just do that (minus monogram of course!)
I keep an eye on all of the main (expensive!) clothing websites such as Kelly's Kids and Ragland Clothing. I am constantly looking at new websites and boutique's to get new ideas for clothing items for the business. I have been eyeing this romper from Ragland Clothing for Leland....

They want $50 for this corduroy jumper. I LOVE it, but I can not bring myself to spend that for a baby outfit! The only clothing items Leland has that were purchased for over $15 are shoes! While I was at the fabric store this morning, I browsed the patterns and found one that is identical to the red romper I love!! There was only one problem, it requires sleeves, cuffs, and a collar.
I am very Thankful to have a local fabric store that is full of several very sweet ladies that know me by name and are always willing to help!! I was talking with one of the ladies about the pattern and I was going to sign up for the intermediate class to learn this pattern, well to learn how to do cuffs, collars, and sleeves. She was very quick to tell me that I could easily to this romper myself. I was thinking yeah right!!
I left the store with my pattern and was asked to work on it on my own and if I couldn't figure it out, she would teach me. I had tons of monograming and applique' to do tonight, so while that machine was going, I taught myself how to make the new romper. I am so proud of myself!! This is the first time I have bought a new pattern and read the instructions to make the entire outfit by myself!! Not just an outfit, but a complicated outfit at t

I can't wait for Leland to wear his new brown and white gingham outfit with rust orange monogram for the fall!! I will definitely be making this much cheaper version of the long sleeve corduroy romper for Christmas as well!!
I actually sewed my first piece over the weekend with my mom! A pillowcase dress. I'm not sure if I could do the next one by myself but I'm going to try. I was so excited to see that you haven't been sewing that long because now that I have a little extra time I want to jump into it and make lots of clothes for Grace. The new pictures at the top of your blog is beautiful!!