I took Leland to Jacksonville for the first time Friday night. I do have to admit that it was a little odd going back with a child! My best friend, Danielle, graduated from nursing school. If you will remember from previous post, she has fought a long, near death battle with cancer. Praise God, she is in remission and all of her hard work paid off to allow her to graduate with a BSN in nursing Friday night! I am so Thankful to have her in my life and Thankful that God gave her a second chance at life!

Ashley and I wanted to eat at our favorite JSU restaurant, Strut's before the ceremony. However, this is the face you get when you realize all of our chicken fingers were RAW! Needless to say, we didn't have dinner!
Leland was a perfect child, as usual. He slept through the down pour of rain all the way from Birmingham to Oxford. Thank the lord it stopped before the outdoor ceremony at the stadium! He sat in his stroller the whole time and didn't make a peep. Well except for yelling (not crying, just acting like he was cheering as well!) in the dead silence after families clapped and blew air horns for their loved ones! It was quite humorous!!

It has been 2 1/2 years since I have been to JSU. I can not believe how much the city and campus has grown! For instance, the stadium below looked completely different while I was in school. They just finished the new box seats and dorms attached to the stadium. It is very nice now!!

His smile melts my heart!!
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