He or she will be here mid September. According to Leland, it's going to be a , "Gurl"! 9 times out of 10 he will say girl when asked if he wants a boy or girl, however, the past few days he has said boy a few times.
We are impartial to the sex. We would like a girl to experience one of each. I saved everything from Leland, so aside from a double stroller and a few odds and ins (and clothes if it's a girl), we are set! We would love a bigger house before the baby gets here, but our hopes are not high because houses are just not selling right now and we are not prepared to take a loss just to get out. We will make do with what we have and be just fine!
Baby Rooks is already named. Either way, he/she will have the same name (different spelling) and will also have the same initials as Leland (again to rewear a lot of clothing).
Lakyn Morgan will be the spelling for a girl and Laken Morgan will be the spelling for a boy. Morgan is after my step dad Larry. He is such an important person all 3 of our lives, so it was an immediate choice when looking at "M" names!
This pregnancy has been TOTALLY different than my pregnancy with Leland. With Leland, I was sick as a dog 24/7 until 22 weeks and didn't show at all around 7 months. With this pregnancy, I knew at 4 weeks I was pregnant. I have not been sick at all, however, I do get bad nausea spells. I have been having severe back/hip pain for the past few weeks. The doctor confirmed that it is because the tiny baby is sitting so low, but on top of that my back is just out of wack, so I'm seeing a chiropractor and praying this child moves up soon!
I wouldn't say I'm showing, just looks like I've gained a few pounds in the belly area. I haven't had any cravings, but the ones I do have are for sweets, which is very rare for me! I have refused to buy any sweets, minus the cake we baked for Valentine's. I figure if it's not in the house, I won't eat it! I am also very turned off by greasy food. I never ate a lot of it before, but it really makes my stomach turn to eat something remotely greasy now.
We are very excited about having a new little one, but nervous at the same time. I want the pregnancy to go by quickly so that we can meet the baby, but at the same time, I want it to creep by because that just means Leland is getting older!
I have no doubt that Leland will be a great big Brother! He rubs/hugs my belly and says, "Hey baby"! I am pretty emotional during this pregnancy as well, but this makes me tear up every time! He has also been very sweet while I have been in pain. If I'm resting on the couch or bed, he says, "Mommy hurt...back hurt"? He proceeds to rub my back. He is going to be the BEST Husband one day!!
so excited for you guys!! :) can't wait to hear what you're having!
ReplyDeleteThanks! It's flying by already!