Last Sunday, I received a phone call about another best friend that was in the hospital and it was not looking good. You may remember Danielle that was diagnosed with cancer just months after my wedding. After a 2 year horrible battle, she is a survivor and doing fantastic! I am the matron of honor in her wedding this September and she is now a RN in the ER.
Stacy has been my best friend and more like a sister since our Sophomore year of High School. She is seriously the healthiest person I know. I know you never expect anyone close to you to get a serious illness, but I really never expected her to get sick.
Stacy got walking pneumonia about a month ago and just never seemed to recover. About 2 weeks ago, she started experiencing memory loss, numbness in her right side of the body, slurred speech, and bad headaches. Last Sunday, she was driving to meet her Mom at church, and her entire right leg went numb as she was driving. She made it to the church (Thank God) and told her Mom she needed to go to the hospital.
Her Mom took her to the ER, where they were told Stacy had a brain tumor the size of a golf ball. She was sent to UAB and placed in the ICU. Late Sunday night they did an MRI and it showed even worse news. The tumor was really the size of a tennis ball. The neuro surgeons evaluated her case all last week and they performed a 3 hour procedure Friday. They inserted dye into her main vein through her leg. The dye went up into the brain and tumor to map out things for the doctors. She had full brain surgery today to remove the entire tumor. After a very long procedure (6 1/2 hours) I am so happy to say that she is resting. The doctors got all of the tumor, but were worried about her speech and use of the right side at first. She was moving both sides in the recovery room, but her speech is still not determined.
Either way, she will have to go through rehab and weeks of recuperating. She has a long road ahead, but she is a very strong woman and will make it through. The doctors are sending the tumor off for testing, but at this time do not think it is cancer.
Please keep Stacy and her family in your prayers. She was just married back in October and her Dad just recovered from prostate cancer in December. God has worked miracles with her so far, but she needs all the prayers and support she can get!
It really puts life in perspective when you have 2 27 year old best friends that are battling for their life. It really makes all the petty bull crap worthless. At the end of the day, all you need is love, faith in God, your family, and friends. You need family and friends that are there for you and don't bring you down. The older I get and the more experiences I go through with good friends, the more I realize how true this statement is. As hard as it is, you have to learn to let go of those people and things that are not bettering your life and relationships with the one's you love.
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