Leland is growing like a little weed! At his check-up, he weighed 26 lbs 12oz (50th percentile) and was 34 3/8 inches tall (95th percentile). His doctor said that he is on schedule to be at least 6 ft 2"! I have always known that he would be tall and have big feet. He will take after my Moms side of the family in this area! He is moving into 24m clothes. The 18m shirts and pants are a little short, but the 24m shirts and pants are too long and big in the waist, so unfortunately he is in between sizes and it is kind of aggravating when baby clothes are not made with draw strings!!
Leland is definitely more of a toddler now and is becoming independent. He is talking more and more and completely understands everything you say. If you ask him where something is or to go get something, he does it! I know I am a little partial, but he is very smart!
He is beginning to love to play pretend. He loves getting all the pots, pans, and spoons out of the cabinets and pretend that he is cooking. The other day he had a piece of cheese toast. He went to the drawer and pulled out a pan, a spoon, and 2 bowls. He first put the toast in the pan and stirred it with a spoon. He then broke it in half and placed a piece in each bowl. He sat the bowls on the table and patted the chair wanting me to sit. I could tell that he was so happy he "made me dinner"!! There is never a dull moment our house, that is for sure!
Leland loves books and for us to read to him. He is good at pointing at objects on command. He knows where his body parts are now and will pull up his shirt to show you his belly button!
He is such a joy! He is the best child and still enjoys riding in the car, shopping, and eating at a resturant. He pitches a fit like most kids do every now and then, but most of the time if you ignore him, he will stop!
We are so ready for warm weather to get here so we can play outside and are looking forward to watching our little one continue to grow into a humble little boy!
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