Leland has 1 top back tooth and 2 bottom back teeth coming in all at the same time. Bless his heart! He is miserable at times! We keep a stock of teething tablets, Motrin, and banana popsicles! These new teeth make a total of 5 up top and 6 on the bottom!
Her is an update on all your new stuff Leland! You are saying a few new words, even though "Sissy" is you favorite! You can now say:
-Bye instead of Bye, Bye
-you make car noises ALL the time and loves your trucks. You push them all around the house while making a car noise!
-fish (sounds like ish!)
You are also starting to recognize what things are. You know where your snacks and cups are, and sit under the counter or at the pantry door and point going Uh, Uh, Uh. I say what you want and you can tell you want to say the word back to me, but can't quite get it out just yet! You also knows what truck, train, bye bye, ball, etc. are. So smart!!
Some may say you are picky, but I say you are very peculiar! You can tell the difference between everything on your dinner plate. If I try to give you a bite of something and you wanted something else, you are very quick to hold your hand up to the fork and will continue to do this until I get the right food on the fork!
You are still the sweetest little boy ever! We love watching you grow and literally learn something new every day!!
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