Leland started MDO yesterday! It is at a Church and he will be going on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-1:30. I have gotten so busy with the business, that it was getting impossible to watch him every day of the week plus work on orders. I have been up until 3 or 4 in the morning probably 10 of the past 14 days and am going through 15+ yards of broad cloth a week! That's pretty busy when you have a little crawler to watch while you work! You can see some of my latest projects at:
http://www.lilmonkeydesigns.blogspot.comI took Leland yesterday and he went straight to Mrs. Rita. He has his blankie in hand. I pack his lunch and she said he ate well. She said that he did not cry the entire time. He fell asleep as she rocked him, but as soon as she laid him down, he woke up and was ready to go! I walked in to her pushing Leland and the other little boy in a double stroller around the indoor track. I picked him up out of the stroller and when we walked back into the room to get his bag, he kept pointing at the floor going uh, uh, uh...he was trying to show me his new truck he played with that day!

He was passsed out before I even got half way home and the Church is only 10 minutes from the house! I took him in and put him in his bed and he slept til 4. This is going to work out great! I will hopefully have 2 full working days and hopefully get back on a regular sleeping routine!
so cute! glad he likes mdo... it's a lifesaver! ;)