If it's any worse, they will remove it. I'm completely heart broken and pray it doesn't have to happen. I know it's not like am arm or foot, but I'm absolutely not prepared for my one year old to have dental work, and especially not ready for him to loose a tooth that won't grow back for 5 years.

Today has been super emotional! It's had highs and lows.
Leland is an old soul and is wise beyond his years. He brought me to tears today... I walked away from him in fear I would scare him.
Out if the blue driving down the road, Leland says Jesus is coming down from Heaven soon to take us to Heaven.
First off, it's amazing he knows this and loves Jesus so much, but it's also is incredibly overwhelming to have this talk with your four year old and to think our days on earth may end at any moment...exciting and scary at the same time!
I'm so excited he has a passion for learning about Jesus and soaks in everything he can. I'm also excited we will all be in a much better place one day, but the thought of going sometime soon, or loosing one of my children absolutely terrifies me!
I absolutely believe God puts these thoughts in little ones minds. This is not the first occasion that Leland just out of the blue speaks of such important matter; matters that make you put everything into perspective very quickly!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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