Just as we did for Leland's first Birthday, we met up with our wedding photographer Amber Ford at the Botanical Gardens. She did an amazing job as usual. Here are a few of our favorites....she took about 250 shots and we got over 100 proofs back on our cd! It was SO hard to narrow it down to make prints!

I love these of Laken and I. I have a few very sweet Mommy and Leland pictures from when he was a baby, so I was very happy she was able to capture this moment for me!

The above picture sums up Laken to a t!! He is a billy goat! The child will eat anything in his path and puts EVERYTHING in his mouth!

At first, Laken wasn't too sure about the whole cake thing. I was shocked, as the child will eat anything you put in front of him. I think it was mostly because we all were hot and tired by this point, an hour into the session!
The Funky Muffin Gluten Free Bakery on 280 did a wonderful job matching the fabric samples I sent to match his big cake for the party. Laken is our allergy child..severe peanut (we have to carry an epi pen), milk, wheat, and soy. Thankfully he isn't as bad in the wheat, milk, and soy department. He can eat food containing these ingredients on rare occasion, but he cannot drink regular milk. He is still on formula to get his vitamins, but we supplement with Rice milk to try to keep cost down a little bit.
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