I had my 32 week check-up yesterday. I woke up sick, so I didn't get to eat much before going. I kept Leland home from school because he begged to go see the baby at the doctor and to be honest, I did not feel like dealing with the screaming while my stomach was already sick.
Jason happened to be working late, so he went with us as well. Everything was fine, Laken is measuring right on for 32 weeks. I have lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks, which puts me at a total gain of 9lbs. I, however, feel HUGE! I lost a lot of weight after I had Leland (almost 50 lbs not including baby weight gained), so my body feels like I have gained 30 lbs! His heartbeat was 147, so very strong.
I had to get my usual finger stick, but I also had to get the antibody screen so that I could get the rhogam shot because of my blood type. I was fine while having blood drawn in the lab and walked back to the nurses station for my shot. The nurse was warming the shot...I kind of looked at her like what am I getting into, and the rooms were full. She took me into one of the interview rooms, which are TINY. I asked if I should have any pain afterwards and she said, "No, but it will probably hurt going in because it is a large volume". I leaned on the table, took all the weight off my left leg and she stuck me. I remember the stick and talking to her, but then I remember sitting in a chair with my doctor and nurse standing over me. I apparently passed out and she caught me and placed me in the chair.
I am sure it was because I didn't eat much, but I was already sick, so I wasn't trying to add to it yesterday morning. After sitting for a while and drinking a cup of sprite, we came home. It took me a while to perk up yesterday, but after eating lunch and taking a long nap, I was feeling better.
We go back in 2 weeks and Laken will be here in 8 weeks or less!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Leland's 3rd Pirate Party!
Leland woke up Sunday morning saying, "I'm THREE" and asking when his friends were coming for the party!
He was being a little uncooperative while trying to get a picture with the party table, but he worked through the crankiness and had a great time!
Leland was very adimant that he wanted cupcakes, not cake. He also wanted blue icing, but while I was ordering them, he asked for blue and red icing. I ordered pirate toppers off of Esty and I think they turned out SO cute!
This year we had a very simple party including ice cream, cupcakes, peanut m's (as Leland says), and chips and dip.
I can't believe our baby boy is THREE! Time has flown by over the past 3 years. He is a very outgoing, compassionate, humble, full of personality little boy. I can, however, tell that the 3rd year is going to be much worse than the 2nd year attitude wise. He is just now getting into the "pushing all of Mommy's buttons" mode. Hopefully it will be short lived, but I am not sure how it is going to mesh with a new baby in 8 weeks or less!
Leland being sweet, loving, and smart by far out weigh the hellion child. He will literally talk your ears off. He picks up on everything and doesn't forget anything. He has started calling our friends and family by name and is pretty good at remembering each persons name.
He knows most of his colors, can count to 10, trys to say all of his ABC's with you, knows several songs, is still a very picky eater, will only drink milk if we put sugar free chocolate in it, loves boy toys (trucks, boats, bicycles, etc.), loves relaxing, reading books, watching movies, and being outside. He is not a fan of school. He is fine while he is there and has fun, but still screams from the time he gets dressed to the time I drop him at school.
We had a great Birthday party with our close friends and family. Leland got lots of great presents including a pirate bath set, a bicycle and helment, DVD's, puzzles, games, a double jogging stroller, and a big truck with trailer (he calls it a camper) and a boat.
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About Me

- Life of the Rooks
- Jason and I were married on March 1, 2008. We are each others best friend and wouldn't trade our lives for anything! Jason was born and raised in Newnan, GA and I was born and raised in Birmingham, AL where we now live. We have an awesome family that is always there for us. We had a beautiful baby boy, Leland Matthew, on July 22, 2009. He is now growing like a weed and so much fun! We have a very hectic life, but we love it! We take everything that God gives us and deal with it the best we can. We know he has a plan for our family and can't wait to see what the future brings!!
Blog Archive
- 32 weeks Pregnant
- Eating cake and opening presents...
- Leland's 3rd Pirate Party!
- Last week as a 2 year old!
- July 15=Mixed Emotion Day!
- Birthday Party cont'd....
- Austin's 12th Birthday Fun!
- 30 1/2 Week Baby Check-up/4D Ultrasound
- Week 4 of School/4th of July 2012
- Nesting Already?!
- Just another weekend...
- Week 3: June 26 and 28 Bible Verse: "Everything ...