We had a very busy week in between our 2 beach trips. Leland and I lounged around for a day or two after we returned from Orange Beach because we were both exhausted. I worked on orders over the weekend and had 26 packages ready to ship the day before Jason and I left to go to Panama City.
Bright and early last Monday morning I had my 7 month baby appointment/glucose test. Plans changed and I wound up dragging Leland with me to the Doctor's office along with several errands including going to the Health Department for a new Birth Certificate. It poured rain the whole day, but thankfully he was a great little tag along. We treated ourselves to Panera for breakfast right after the Doctor because we were both starving!
I passed my glucose test this time, which was very odd to me because I had to go back and do the 3 hour with Leland. This is just another difference in the 2 pregnancy's that are night and day different already! Baby Laken is measuring perfect and I have still gained very little weight. I just started my 7th month of pregnancy, which also marks the beginning of the 3rd trimester. It is hard to believe that in less than 90 days our new little guy will be here! I am sure I will start showing a lot more in the next few weeks, but for now, it definitely depends on what I am wearing as to how pregnant I look. I go back in July for the 4d ultrasound and my Rogam shot. I will more than likely start going every 2 weeks after the next appointment, which is really going to make time fly by even faster.
Week One of Summer School: June 12 (he was out 1 day b/c of beach)
Color of the week: red
Bible Verse: "Every word of God prooves true." Proverbs 30:50
Bible Story: Moses and the burning bush. Exodus 3:1-4:17
Leland started school last Tuesday. His teachers were really sweet and he even hugged one of them before he left (a miracle in itself!). Miss Sara said that he was kind of standoffish, but he was good. He is the only child in his class that hasn't been to school before/in a while, so that explains a lot. He is a lot like me as well in that he is an observer. He observes everything before he opens up to it, so I am sure that once he goes back this week, he will enjoy it a lot more.
I have tons of orders waiting on my to complete this week and next, but for today, Leland and I haven't left the couch! He had a blast at his GiGi and Pap's, but you can tell he is totally worn out!
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