The past 2 days have been heart breaking for our family. I did take Leland to the doctor Wednesday morning and had to hold him down for 6 shots. He did better than I expected and, thank goodness, was a happy baby afterwards.
He now weighs 14 lbs 2oz and is 23 1/4 inches long. He is above average on all of his skills and the doctor was very impressed with how well he holds his head and talks.
I got home from the doctor to find Tisyn having a bad spell and falling out in the floor. I loaded everyone back in the car and rushed him to the vet. They told us that he was having seizures. They kept him for the afternoon and we were to pick him up to watch him over night. When we picked him up, he was out of it completely. Leland and I stayed with my parents so they could help take care of the two babies. It was a VERY LONG night. We had a slumber party in the living room for the very little sleep that we got.
Tisyn started seizing again very early in the morning and we had him back at the vet by 7am. The doctor informed us that he was now having grandma seizures, which are the worst. He didn't seem very hopeful, but was going to try everything he could. He kept Tisyn and hooked him up to the strongest seizure medicine possible. We said our goodbyes just in case, and about 1:00 on Thursday I called to check on him. The doctor informed me that he was breaking through and then had another grandma, so he recommended putting him to sleep. I agreed because we had watched him suffer all night and it was very hard to see.
My sweet boy was the best dog I could ever ask for. I had him for 8 1/2 wonderful years and he was my best friend and companion. It was so hard to come home for the first time and him not be here. Everywhere I look I think of Tisyn. He was such a big part of our family that it is going to take quite a while for the hurt to subside. I know he is in a better place now, but that doesn't make it any easier to get over.
Sweet Jennifer...I'm crying right here with you....Hugs!