I am now 34 weeks pregnant and went this morning for a check-up. I was having my normal pains and issues that accompany my pregnancy, but was not expecting to be admitted for monitoring the 2nd week in a row. The nurse always checks Leland's heartbeat first thing and it was 188. The doctor was concerned and wanted to check it again after I sat still for a few minutes. On the second check it was 192. (Supposed to be anywhere from 110-160 and he is usually between 120-150.) Needless to say, I didn't have time to ask the doctor any of my questions that I had prepared this week such as: how big is he? Do you think I will make it to 40 weeks or have him before? etc. I was sent straight downstairs to be admitted to triage once again for a non-stress test to make sure the baby was not in distress with his heart rate so high.
I was on the monitors for a good 2 1/2 hours and his heart rate was all over the place, but his base line made it back down to 145, which is normal. I was assured that everything was OK and that I just need to make sure I take it easy for the next few weeks.
I will be full term on July 2nd, and based on the amount of pressure I am having in my lower back, tailbone, and abdomen and the fact that his head is just about as low as it can go, I will be shocked if I make it much past the full term date.
Jason and I wanted to make it to the lake one more time before the baby gets here, but I don't think I will be going outside of Birmingham because I am already having an increased amount of contractions, not in a pattern, but very uncomfortable!
Not much longer and Leland will be here! I have his bag packed, but I have to get my bag and Jason's bag ready this weekend. I will also get the car seat installed soon to make sure we are ready just in case!
I have had a rough pregnancy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am blessed to have gotten pregnant and to be carrying a healthy baby. Outside of my issues, he has checked out great every visit, so that is wonderful!!
Friday, June 12, 2009
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About Me

- Life of the Rooks
- Jason and I were married on March 1, 2008. We are each others best friend and wouldn't trade our lives for anything! Jason was born and raised in Newnan, GA and I was born and raised in Birmingham, AL where we now live. We have an awesome family that is always there for us. We had a beautiful baby boy, Leland Matthew, on July 22, 2009. He is now growing like a weed and so much fun! We have a very hectic life, but we love it! We take everything that God gives us and deal with it the best we can. We know he has a plan for our family and can't wait to see what the future brings!!
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