I don't know what is wrong with me! For some reason, it hasn't hit me that I am about to have another baby VERY soon! I know I'm having a baby, but I have no bags packed and everything is not done around the house.
I still have a rather large list of orders that I am trying my best to complete by this weekend and I suppose I need to get the bags packed.
I went for my 37 1/2 week check up on Tuesday and I am already 1cm. I was told "anytime"! I have another appointment for next Wednesday if we make it that far. For now, it's a waiting game.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Leland's 1st Week of 3K!
Leland is adjusting SO well to his 3K class! His teacher sent the above picture of all the kids in his class.
It has been a little adjustment getting used to the "school" routine, but we will get used to it. By Thursday, Leland was barely crying when the car line assistant opened the door to get him out. His teacher said that for all 3 days, he had stopped crying before he got into the Church lobby.
The first thing out of his mouth when he gets back into the truck is, "Had a fun at school Mommy"! Completely melts my heart how fast he is growing up. He constantly talks about his friends and his teacher, Mrs. Wendy.
He has already learned a lot in just one week. A few highlights:
I asked Leland if he ate all his lunch, he said, "Amen, eat"!! I died laughing, as they obviously say grace before they eat lunch. We say our prayers at night, but I will be honest, I haven't really pushed the grace before we eat....bad I know! I will start now that he does it in school.
Leland has also been walking around singing songs that he has learned in school. They go to a music class on Tuesday and Chapel on Wednesdays.
I think he is going to have a great school year, but I am hoping that the new baby doesn't throw a kink in his routine!
It has been a little adjustment getting used to the "school" routine, but we will get used to it. By Thursday, Leland was barely crying when the car line assistant opened the door to get him out. His teacher said that for all 3 days, he had stopped crying before he got into the Church lobby.
The first thing out of his mouth when he gets back into the truck is, "Had a fun at school Mommy"! Completely melts my heart how fast he is growing up. He constantly talks about his friends and his teacher, Mrs. Wendy.
He has already learned a lot in just one week. A few highlights:
I asked Leland if he ate all his lunch, he said, "Amen, eat"!! I died laughing, as they obviously say grace before they eat lunch. We say our prayers at night, but I will be honest, I haven't really pushed the grace before we eat....bad I know! I will start now that he does it in school.
Leland has also been walking around singing songs that he has learned in school. They go to a music class on Tuesday and Chapel on Wednesdays.
I think he is going to have a great school year, but I am hoping that the new baby doesn't throw a kink in his routine!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Leland's First Day of 3K!
Wednesday, we went to meet Leland's 3K teacher. Jason and I were both able to go with him. We have been talking school up for the past few weeks and he seemed excited. However, just like in the Summer, we started getting dressed to go to school and the tears started flowing. He cried all the way in the school and continued for a few minutes in the class room until he realized we were staying with him.
Mrs. Wendy is very nice. She has 6 children of her own, so I hope she will be a great teacher this year. Their classroom is the "turtle" classroom. All of the kids have matching tote bags and folders that go home each day. We also do the car line when dropping off and picking up. They also have a classroom "pet turtle" (stuffed animal in a cage). His name is Truman and each Thursday one of the kids has to take Truman home for the weekend.
I made sure Leland was in the bath tub by 8 Wednesday night and we were both asleep in bed by 9. We got up around 7:30 Thursday morning. I cooked breakfast and we watched cartoons before it was time to get dressed. Surprisingly, Leland didn't shed a single tear at home. He willingly got dressed, was happy to take pictures, got in the truck and didn't cry all the way to the Church.
When we arrived, we were in the LONG line of cars and he kept asking what all the cars were doing. I told him that they were dropping all of his friends off at school....still no tears...that is until we got up to the lady that was to walk him in!
She opened the passenger side back door and the tears started flowing. Leland's seat is behind the driver's seat (I didn't even think about moving it). I got out and unbuckled him, walked him around the car and she picked him up. He was of course screaming, but she walked him on in.
Once home, I moved his seat to the passenger side so that it will be easier for them to unbuckle him and get him out.
I arrived back at the school at 12:45 to pick him up. I was amazed and frustrated with the LONG line of cars and didn't get to him until 1:10. I was told that the line will move much quicker in the future...I REALLY hope so! When I pulled up to the curb, he was standing waiting on me (they have one adult per child that holds their hand to walk them out one at a time). She put him in his seat and I pulled down to buckle him in. He never cried! I asked if he had fun, he said yes. I asked what he did, he said he painted a blue and white owl. I asked if he made friends, he said yes and named a few. I asked if he played on the playground, he said no, the BIG slide! I asked if he ate his lunch, he named everything I packed.
We went straight home and he went willingly straight to bed for a nap! I am hoping and praying that next week runs just as smooth as the first day!!
On a side note, I forgot how time consuming it is to get everything ready for a baby! I washed all the clothes, blankets, car seat cover, swing cover, etc. on Sunday. At 11pm, I was still folding stuff. I have gotten most of it put away and the diaper bag half packed. I am hoping to finish up this weekend and get my bag packed as well.
I am 37 weeks today, which means that Laken Morgan is FULL TERM! I have been in a lot of pain the past few days, especially when up and walking around. I am having to work through it, as I still have quite a few orders to complete. Thankfully GiGi is keeping Leland for a few days so that I can hopefully get all of these knocked out and get things done without a "helper"!
I go back Tuesday for my weekly appointment. Basically this little guy can make his appearance anytime in the next 3 weeks or less!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
36 Weeks Pregnant!
The end of this pregnancy is FAST approaching! In 4 weeks or less, our sweet baby boy will be here!
I have been going for a check-up once a week for 2 weeks now. I am not progressig, however, Laken is low, low, low! I am having a good many contractions, especially in the middle of the night. For the most part, I feel great and have still only gained 11 lbs. I do have moments where I feel like total crap and have pain in my lower belly, but that is to be expected this late in the game!
I am trying my best to enjoy the last few weeks, but time is flying by. I am super busy with trying to complete all the orders I have for the business. I'll be honest, I have NOTHING washed, no bags packed, no car seat in the car, etc. I suppose that I will try to get busy doing these things this week. To be honest, I am totally exhausted and wish there were more hours in the day!
I go back Tues for my 37 week check-up and Leland goes the same day for his 3 year check-up. We go to meet his teacher Wednesday morning and he starts 3 year old Kindergarten Thursday! Life is about to get crazy adjusting to a new schedule and a new baby!
Diaper Shower for Laken Morgan
Big Brother helping Mommy open all the presents. He was SO excited! Every time he unwrapped a box of diapers, he yelled, "MORE DIAPERS"!!
Diaper Shower for Laken Morgan
Gina threw us a wonderful diaper shower for baby Laken today. She ordered yummy GiGi's cupcakes and a yummy cake from Edgar's. They were both DELISH!!
My Mom was very gracious and opened her home to all of my guest for a diaper shower. We had a great turn out and there were almost as many babies/kids as there were adults. We are very thankful for Gina throwing such a great shower and for all of our diapers, wipes, and small gifts. We got a TON!!
We are very blessed to have such wonderful family and friends that drive so far to spend special occasions with us. Other than 3 of our guest, 90% drove from at least an hour away, some as far as 5 hours away!!
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About Me

- Life of the Rooks
- Jason and I were married on March 1, 2008. We are each others best friend and wouldn't trade our lives for anything! Jason was born and raised in Newnan, GA and I was born and raised in Birmingham, AL where we now live. We have an awesome family that is always there for us. We had a beautiful baby boy, Leland Matthew, on July 22, 2009. He is now growing like a weed and so much fun! We have a very hectic life, but we love it! We take everything that God gives us and deal with it the best we can. We know he has a plan for our family and can't wait to see what the future brings!!