Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Great Day, BIG scare!
We got up early Sunday morning and headed to breakfast at Jack's and then the Zoo. The weather was perfect!
Leland was so excited about going to the Zoo and this time he was really good about naming the animals by himself. He was also much better at spotting the animals on his own.
Apparently I am due a big scare once a year. Around this time last year, I had to rush Leland to the ER because he was seizing. Early Monday morning around 3:30, he woke up and started crying. I had a feeling he may be having a nose bleed, as he has had them frequently over the past few weeks.
I turned on the lamp and sure enough, he was bleeding, only this time he was gushing blood. It took me a good 30 min to get it stopped and he screamed the whole time. Disgusting as it sounds, it was going down his throat and he was literally freaking out, as was I because of the amount of blood. Finally after getting his nose under control, he fell asleep on my chest (only way he could breath) about an hour later. I tried to move him to the pillow beside me, but he woke up and the whole thing started again and again at 7:30.
I called his Doctor and he got us into an ENT before lunch. After waiting in the waiting room, they took us back to a room. Can I tell you that I was a little freaked out at this point. There was nothing but a black chair and all kinds of scopes and instruments around. I was border line wanting to walk out because I had no clue what was about to happen.
Thankfully, none of them were used on Leland. He sat in my lap in the black chair while the Doctor looked at his nose, throat, and ears. We were told that the vessels in the left side of his nose are bleeders. For adults, this problem is a simple fix. They would simply get the vessels cauterized in the office. However, this is impossible for a 2 year old with tiny nostrils. We are using Afrin nose spray (has something in it to constrict blood vessels to stop bleeding) for 3 days. After that, just saline solution to keep the nose moist. Nose bleeds are OK to have some times, but they are not OK when they are frequent or when you loose the amount of blood Leland is. If the Afrin and saline do not work to suppress his bleeds, he will be going to the OR to have his vessels cauterized. While there, he may be having his adenoids removed.
Because he snores like a grown man and wakes frequently at night, the ENT wants us to watch him for a few more weeks, but if he continues to wake and snore, we will have to take a look at his adenoids to see if they are the cause for the problem. It isn't a problem that he snores, BUT it is a problem that he is 2 and wakes multiple times at night. More than likely this is caused by his breathing and that needs to be fixed.
The little guy must have been exhausted yesterday because he took a LONG nap after the doctor. I thought that we may be in the clear of bleeds, but he had another bad one this afternoon. His eyes are also supper puffy and red (almost looks like he was punched in both eyes). I am assuming this may be from allergies, but if it persist, I will take him back in to be seen.
I was able to get him registered for Summer preschool (he will be in the 2 year old class) and 3 year old Kindergarten for the Fall. He will be going 2 days a week in the Summer and 3 this Fall. Because he is in Kindergarten this Fall, he will also do the car line each morning and afternoon. This is where I just pull up and the teachers get them out and put them in the car.
I can't believe how fast time has went by. I'm sure pregnancy had a lot to do with it, but I was an emotional wreck yesterday! He will have a lot of fun at school and it is time for him to go make friends and learn, but I can't believe he is almost THREE!!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Mini (MUCH NEEDED) Vacation!
I have been ridiculously busy with work. I have pulled a lot of late nights working on Easter orders, as well as several large adult shirt orders for baseball/softball teams. Pap and GiGi took the camper and boat down to Wind Creek last week and Jason was off on Thursday. I decided to take a few days off to catch up on rest.
Jason went down Wednesday when he got off work, but I couldn't go down because lovely Verizon had a tower down all afternoon, so I had no Internet/cell service. I had to have the Internet to print my shipping labels for the 30+ packages. I finally packed the last package at 4am Thurs morning and got in bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, Leland sat up and wanted milk. He usually goes right back to sleep, but he wanted to watch cartoons. I, exhausted, did not care number one that he was in my bed and number two that he wanted the TV on at this point.
I turned his cartoons on and of course it had to be the Wonder Pets and their theme song that gets stuck in my head every time!! Finally around 5 I rolled over and saw he was asleep. I turned the TV off and we were out of the house headed to Wind Creek by 8am.
I purposely left my computer at home and left my phone inside and didn't check it. We had a great relaxing time and didn't wind up coming home until Sunday! I was quickly reminded that I was back to the real world when I opened my inbox and saw the stack of orders waiting on me! This week has been crazy busy as well. I am truly blessed with the amount of business I get and that I am able to make a living from home and stay with my sweet boy each day, however, I am TIRED!!
Speaking of staying at home with Leland...I am registering him for 3 year old preschool on Monday. He will be going 3 days a week in the Fall. I didn't want to start him in the Fall because they start right before I am due with the baby. I figured that may be too much for him to digest at one time, so I am enrolling him in the Summer Fun program as well. He will be going 2 days a week for 7 weeks this Summer. It is basically a vacation Bible School 2 days a week, but he will be with the same kids that he will be with in the Fall, so hopefully he will make some friends and the transition will be easy!
On a side note...
Friday morning, I had to drive to Inverness to meet a customer with a huge box of sweat shirts I had completed. I met her around 9, so Leland and I didn't have time to eat breakfast before we left. We stopped in Panera because it was right there (and I love it). I could see people staring as I am letting my 2 year old walk around and carry his orange juice (all the other people were having coffee and enjoying quiet computer time). We sat down with our breakfast and he was very good. He sat quietly and ate his muffin, but mid way through, he spotted a guy with a computer. He shouted, "Puter"! Mommy, "Puter"! I looked at the guy and he was smiling. I said yes, we have to wisper, he is working. Leland said OK (in a quiet voice) and proceeded to ask me if the man was wearing boots, pants, and socks. We were also sitting by a window, so the cars kept him occupied because he could tell me the colors.
I couldn't help but laugh at him and suddenly realize how grown he is! It was amazing the conversation I was having with a 2 year old over breakfast! I also realized that I better enjoy eating with my sweet boy alone while I can because come Sept, we will not be making to many outtings with just me and 2 kids!
I also had to run in Belk before I headed home. We were in the baby/toddler section and he spotted the baby dolls. He picked up a pink baby doll and acted like he was rocking her. He then placed the baby in the stroller and pushed it around. I was amazed because I have never shown him a baby doll before. He has a stuffed monkey that he loves, but he was drawn to this baby doll and knew exactly what to do! He is going to be such a good big Brother!
Testing out the new boat...
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Little Loud Mouth!
Leland is hilarious! He talks non stop, especially in the car.
He informed me this morning that the baby girl would play trains with him. He also said baby girl will need a plate at the table!
We have no idea if we are having a boy or girl, but this whole pregnancy Leland has assumed girl!....I, however, think boy.
I went Mon for my 14 week apt. Everything was great, heart beat in the 140's. We'll know in less than a month what we are having!
I want to post pics from camping last weekend, but Picassa is not letting me add like I usually do and I don't have time to upload one at a time right now!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Leland is changing so much and learning new things everyday. He literally
learns/says new things daily. I wanted to note a few things he has said or done
in the past few weeks before I forget them...
Leland is a little backseat driver! When you stop at a stop sign, he shouts STOP! He also tells you
to turn left or right and tells the cars in front of us to MOVE!
Leland is pretty good about climbing into his car seat on his own and he almost has
buckling himself down pat...this will help me out a ton in Sept!
He was on a kick of saying he wanted to go to the apple store when I said we were going
to a store, but now he has just picked up Wal-Mart, so if we are getting ready to leave,
he says, "Go park at Wal-Mart!"
He was so sweet to me while we were at Moms all last week. He played in the living room floor with Pap while we watched TV at night. He came over to the couch where I was sitting and pushed me back, made me prop my feet up, put a pillow behind my head, and covered me up
with a blanket!
Also while at Mom's, they have a cover on their 40 ft camper. Leland helped Pap take it off, so Leland kept saying the camper took his B's off! We were all sitting on the inside of the camper and Mom asked Leland if he was camping....he said, "No, GiGi's at house!"
We went to the grocery store yesterday and Leland wanted to get the "chocolate" eggs instead of the regular ones...he was referring to the Organic ones!
Leland is VERY independent. He is not independent when it comes to going to the potty, however. He is still great with absolutely no accidents day or night, BUT, he wants me to
stand in the bathroom with him. It is SO aggravating! I know he is only little once,
but we are working hard on making him take his own pants off and get on the
potty by himself.
He is going through a small growth spurt and his underwear were getting a little snug. His little barn door started opening when he would sit to play and he didn't like it AT ALL!! I bought him a few new pairs of underwear and got the boxer brief kind this time. He likes them much
I call him my little OCD child because he is seriously the most picky/wants it done my way only child I know. We work daily to teach him patience and that it is OK if something is different...definitely a work in progress!
In other news, I started my 2nd trimester today. This pregnancy is flying by. Other than back pain and bad headaches, I forget I'm pregnant. I'm still barely showing. I can't believe that in 5 short weeks we will know what we are having! I am trying to enjoy this pregnancy, because it is my last, and I want things to slow down!
learns/says new things daily. I wanted to note a few things he has said or done
in the past few weeks before I forget them...
Leland is a little backseat driver! When you stop at a stop sign, he shouts STOP! He also tells you
to turn left or right and tells the cars in front of us to MOVE!
Leland is pretty good about climbing into his car seat on his own and he almost has
buckling himself down pat...this will help me out a ton in Sept!
He was on a kick of saying he wanted to go to the apple store when I said we were going
to a store, but now he has just picked up Wal-Mart, so if we are getting ready to leave,
he says, "Go park at Wal-Mart!"
He was so sweet to me while we were at Moms all last week. He played in the living room floor with Pap while we watched TV at night. He came over to the couch where I was sitting and pushed me back, made me prop my feet up, put a pillow behind my head, and covered me up
with a blanket!
Also while at Mom's, they have a cover on their 40 ft camper. Leland helped Pap take it off, so Leland kept saying the camper took his B's off! We were all sitting on the inside of the camper and Mom asked Leland if he was camping....he said, "No, GiGi's at house!"
We went to the grocery store yesterday and Leland wanted to get the "chocolate" eggs instead of the regular ones...he was referring to the Organic ones!
Leland is VERY independent. He is not independent when it comes to going to the potty, however. He is still great with absolutely no accidents day or night, BUT, he wants me to
stand in the bathroom with him. It is SO aggravating! I know he is only little once,
but we are working hard on making him take his own pants off and get on the
potty by himself.
He is going through a small growth spurt and his underwear were getting a little snug. His little barn door started opening when he would sit to play and he didn't like it AT ALL!! I bought him a few new pairs of underwear and got the boxer brief kind this time. He likes them much
I call him my little OCD child because he is seriously the most picky/wants it done my way only child I know. We work daily to teach him patience and that it is OK if something is different...definitely a work in progress!
In other news, I started my 2nd trimester today. This pregnancy is flying by. Other than back pain and bad headaches, I forget I'm pregnant. I'm still barely showing. I can't believe that in 5 short weeks we will know what we are having! I am trying to enjoy this pregnancy, because it is my last, and I want things to slow down!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
4 Year Anniversary!
It is hard to believe that Jason and I have been married for 4 years already! In those 4 years, we have accomplished a lot...beautiful, smart 2 1/2 year old boy, we own our own home, I own a successful business, Jason has a good job, and we have a sweet baby on the way!
There is never a dull moment in our house and we constantly stay very busy. We took time to go over to the lake and enjoy some sunshine on our Anniversary (March 1) last week.
Leland got a new Mickey vest that he LOVES! We can't wait to test out Pap and GiGi's new boat sometime this week or next!
We had a very relaxing afternoon, but unfortunately it was back to the grind when we returned home that night.
A few months ago Jason was trying to be handy and "touch up" the paint in our house....well apparently he didn't get the memo that the paint has to "match". Needless to say, he tried and we have lived with polka dot walls ALL OVER the house.
We were going to paint the house ourselves with help of family to fix it, but after much deliberation...and the fact that Leland can't be around paint and neither can I, we hired a painter. Jason stayed with him this week and I am so excited to go home tomorrow to see my newly painted house!
Leland and I have been vacationing at GiGi and Paps since Sunday. I packed all my sewing stuff and have actually been very productive this week. Now I have to go home and monogram everything!
While staying at GiGi and Pap's, Leland sleeps with me. I woke up about 30 min earlier than him one morning this week and got on my phone to check e-mail. Leland was facing away from me, woke up, rolled over to face me, put his little finger up to his mouth, and said, "SHHHH!" He rolled back over and slept at least another 30 min. I couldn't help but laugh. He is such a little ham and very set in his ways. He will tell you in a heart beat exactly how he wants something done!
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About Me

- Life of the Rooks
- Jason and I were married on March 1, 2008. We are each others best friend and wouldn't trade our lives for anything! Jason was born and raised in Newnan, GA and I was born and raised in Birmingham, AL where we now live. We have an awesome family that is always there for us. We had a beautiful baby boy, Leland Matthew, on July 22, 2009. He is now growing like a weed and so much fun! We have a very hectic life, but we love it! We take everything that God gives us and deal with it the best we can. We know he has a plan for our family and can't wait to see what the future brings!!