We spent the weekend at Tannehill State Park in my parents camper last weekend. I did my second show there, and it went well. Leland was such a good baby once again and loves every minute of camping and being outside.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Blog Book
I post so many entries and pictures to our blog because when I started the blog, I had full intention of turning it into a book for Leland. I found a great website www.blog2print.com and had our first book made! It is titled Pregnancy Journey and Leland's First 6 Months. It turned out so good! It is 120 page color picture book that includes a table of contents and all of the blog entries posted from the beginning of the blog through the snow around Leland's 6 month Birthday!
I highly recommend getting one. It was $55 and they had it to me in 2 weeks. That is definitely cheaper than printing prints of all the pictures we have!! I plan to do book number 2 right after his 1st Birthday. (for some reason 2 of these pictures did not want to turn the right way no matter how I saved them! I gave up and posted anyways!!)
I highly recommend getting one. It was $55 and they had it to me in 2 weeks. That is definitely cheaper than printing prints of all the pictures we have!! I plan to do book number 2 right after his 1st Birthday. (for some reason 2 of these pictures did not want to turn the right way no matter how I saved them! I gave up and posted anyways!!)
Best Buddies!
Dutchess is so sweet to Leland. She is the best entertainer and it gets me out of having to throw her toy all the time! She lays beside Leland every morning when he watches TV and takes him her toy to play. She gently plays tug a war with him!
9 month check-up!

You had your 9 month check-up yesterday. You are still perfectly healthy and we Thank God for that! You weighed 23 lbs 8 oz and were 29 1/2 inches long. You only had to get one shot, but had to get your first finger prick :( We were really bored waiting for the nurse to get your shot ready, so we took the pictures below with my phone.

You are such a curious little boy! You have to know what is going on all the time. Last week you scooted from the middle of the living room to our TV cabinet and managed to slide the door open and pull out ALL of the DVD's. I asked you if you were suposed to have them and you laughed!
In the past few days you have started reaching out for things to grab onto to pull up. I really don't think you will crawl because you hate to be on your stomach, but I think you will be pulling up really soon!
You have 3 new teeth up top, so that makes a total of 5 teeth (2 on bottom, 3 on top). I am so glad you are back to your happy self because teething was definitely no fun!!
You eat like a little bird. You ate baby food really well when you first started, but now a few bites will do for you. You do still have your favorites that I can get you to eat more of (strawberry yogurt, sweet potatos, and squash), but you are preferring more table food. Your pediatrician said that table food is fine now that you have teeth! We won't replace baby food, but you'll finally get your way and get to eat what Mommy and Daddy are eating some times! So far you really like rice, potatos, green beans, sweet peas, noodles with spagetti sauce, and bread. Your pediatrician also wants you to try meat.
Your growing up so fast! I can't believe that you will be 1 in 3 months!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
4 new teeth = NO FUN!!
I noticed that Leland was getting new teeth on the top over the weekend. The left 2 have broke skin and the right 2 are very poofy, so they will break through any day now. This means that we have a very miserable baby!
Having a miserable child has been a very big change in our household! We are used to a happy baby all the time, but with these teeth coming in, Leland cries non-stop and is not easily entertained at all!
I keep him on Motrin and Tylenol, so sometimes he is better than others, but I sure will be glad when these teeth are all the way in!!
On a side note.....his vocabulary has increased! He can now say:
Bye Bye
He will say all these words, but they are at random times and rarely on cue! He is getting the hang of Bye Bye and Hey. If you say Hey to him, he will say it back and he kind of slaps with his arm (waving), so I know he grasp the concept, he just hasn't put waving and speaking together yet!
He rides through a store in a buggy or in his car seat saying Bye Bye Bye Bye....
Having a miserable child has been a very big change in our household! We are used to a happy baby all the time, but with these teeth coming in, Leland cries non-stop and is not easily entertained at all!
I keep him on Motrin and Tylenol, so sometimes he is better than others, but I sure will be glad when these teeth are all the way in!!
On a side note.....his vocabulary has increased! He can now say:
Bye Bye
He will say all these words, but they are at random times and rarely on cue! He is getting the hang of Bye Bye and Hey. If you say Hey to him, he will say it back and he kind of slaps with his arm (waving), so I know he grasp the concept, he just hasn't put waving and speaking together yet!
He rides through a store in a buggy or in his car seat saying Bye Bye Bye Bye....
Calico Fort
My parents and I had a great time doing the Calico Fort show in Fort Deposit, AL last weekend. It was a beautiful, HOT weekend! We met lots of people and I found out about several shows that I will be checking into for this summer!
As usual, Leland was a perfect baby! He loved being outside. For the most part, he played under the tent with us or was strolled around people watching! He is so nosey!

As usual, Leland was a perfect baby! He loved being outside. For the most part, he played under the tent with us or was strolled around people watching! He is so nosey!
Late night fun...
Last week, 2 nights before the Calico Fort show, I pulled an all nighter trying to get everything ready. It was the one night since Leland has been born that I have asked Jason to feed Leland a bottle when he woke up in the middle of the night.
About 1 am I brewed a pot of coffee and heard Leland moving around. I walked back past the bedroom about 30 min later and Jason had him in the bed with him and he was WIRED! I couldn't help but laugh at him because he thought it was time to play and Jason defintely did not!
I brought him out with me to watch TV and as you see below, he had a good time playing with all my fabric! He stayed awake for a good hour and then passed back out!

About 1 am I brewed a pot of coffee and heard Leland moving around. I walked back past the bedroom about 30 min later and Jason had him in the bed with him and he was WIRED! I couldn't help but laugh at him because he thought it was time to play and Jason defintely did not!
I brought him out with me to watch TV and as you see below, he had a good time playing with all my fabric! He stayed awake for a good hour and then passed back out!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Fun in the sun on Easter!
Easter is one of the holidays where you never know what kind of weather you are going to get! Thankfully this year the weather was gorgeous and in the 80's!!

Reading his Easter card and having fun in his new Walker! He hasn't mastered the walker yet, but he had kind of figured out how to go backwards!
After going to church Sunday morning, we drove to the lake to meet Leland's Granny and Grandaddy for a great home-cooked lunch! Even though we were stuffed, we quickly headed down to the lake for a ride on the boat. While Leland napped, Jason and I soaked up the sun on the dock and Jason actually got on a float. 

Reading his Easter card and having fun in his new Walker! He hasn't mastered the walker yet, but he had kind of figured out how to go backwards!
1st Easter!
Easter was so much fun this year! Leland must have known that we were going to early church (8am) because he popped up at 6 and was ready to go (he usually sleeps until 8 or 8:30). Leland wasn't too big of a fan of the early church service once we got there, but don't worry buddy, we will go back to our 9:30 or 11:15 service next week!! He lasted for a while in service while the band played, but we wound up on a couch in the lobby watching on the big screen.
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About Me

- Life of the Rooks
- Jason and I were married on March 1, 2008. We are each others best friend and wouldn't trade our lives for anything! Jason was born and raised in Newnan, GA and I was born and raised in Birmingham, AL where we now live. We have an awesome family that is always there for us. We had a beautiful baby boy, Leland Matthew, on July 22, 2009. He is now growing like a weed and so much fun! We have a very hectic life, but we love it! We take everything that God gives us and deal with it the best we can. We know he has a plan for our family and can't wait to see what the future brings!!