Friday, March 26, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
8 months old going on 2 years old!!

Leland you are so much fun now! You still have a very outgoing personality and will laugh and talk to anyone. However, you are getting a big temper and becoming a little brat, but you are still at the age where it is cute!
You jabber ALL the time! Before you fall asleep, in your sleep, and when you wake up. I know that when you start talking and crawl/walking we will never be able to sit down or keep you quiet again!
You are still a perfect blessing and I thank God everyday for such an amazing healthy baby!
You now have 2 teeth on the bottom, but you don't like to show them off! Any time we try to see them you stick your tongue out so that we can't. You love to watch cartoons or any TV for that matter. You also LOVE the jumper you got for Christmas, especially the "Moo", "Baa", and "Cock-a-doodle-doo" sounds it makes!!
You are still very curious and don't miss a beat. I can tell that you are a little sponge and love to be talked to. There are still no signs of crawling or walking, but you have pretty much gotten the hang of sitting in the floor to play with your toys. You are like a little Billy goat! You want to hold everything and it goes straight to your mouth!
We had to get you a new chair to replace the old bouncy seat that you have outgrown. You are now close to 24lbs and wearing 18 month clothes. I can't believe how tall (estimated about 28 inches) you are now and wearing a size 4 shoe!
You have been experimenting with table food and love it so far. You believe that if we are eating real food, you should too! So far you like baked potato, sweet potato, green beans, bread, green peas, and you still love ice water.
LONG, but GREAT week!
This past week has been a very long one filled with a lot of hard work, but great because it paid off!! Leland and I are home now from a week at my Mom's house. I had my first Trade Show this past weekend and Jason got sick last Tuesday. I didn't want to take any chances of Leland or I getting sick, so we packed up! So far there has been no sickness for either of us and Jason seems to be much better.

I am pretty sure Leland's GiGi and Pap have been in heaven with their little buddy being around! We have enjoyed being here this week, but glad to be home!

I was very pleased with the first show. It went very well and I renewed my spot for next month, so I'll be there every 3rd weekend in each month through November. I was also invited to two other shows while there. One in April and another in October. Thank you SO much to my Mom and Jason for helping me set up while it was SO cold Saturday and Sunday morning!! We also had a great time visiting with the Grandparents and Thank them so much for coming to hang out! I definitely could not dive into this business without the help of my awesome family, especially my Mom for all the free babysitting and endless support!
This was one of the busiest Trade Days Tannehill State Park has had. Even vendors that have been doing this for years at this park were very impressed. We later found out that 7,700 people came through the gate on Saturday alone. That is not counting all the people that were camped in the sold out campground. We continiously heard people talking about their hour waits on a two lane, one way street to get into the park!! It was awesome for business and such a beautiful day!! I pray that the coming months are just as good!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Sunday trip....
We went to the lake today to take a ride on the boat and enjoy this beautiful weather. We had a quick visit with the Grandparents. We made a pit stop in Oxford on the way home to eat at Jefferson's, a college favorite!! We haven't eaten there in 2 years or more and it was delicious, but not quite the same as the one in Jacksonville!
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About Me

- Life of the Rooks
- Jason and I were married on March 1, 2008. We are each others best friend and wouldn't trade our lives for anything! Jason was born and raised in Newnan, GA and I was born and raised in Birmingham, AL where we now live. We have an awesome family that is always there for us. We had a beautiful baby boy, Leland Matthew, on July 22, 2009. He is now growing like a weed and so much fun! We have a very hectic life, but we love it! We take everything that God gives us and deal with it the best we can. We know he has a plan for our family and can't wait to see what the future brings!!