Mommy wants to update you on how you are growing up so fast!
*You love to stand on your little chubby legs and giggle! You have the cutest little giggle.
*You have found your hands and think that it is fun to chew on your little fingers and you try your best to suck your thumb!
*Your pappy is still your best friend and you have figured out how to hold it and try to put it in your mouth all on your own.
You are growing up so fast! Mommy and Daddy think that you have the cutest little personality and are such a good baby, but you are very particular! You have favorite positions that you lay in and like to be held! We are learning every day that you are going to be a handful when you start being mobile!!
*You have started eating cereal with
bananas and LOVE it. You love to sit in your big boy high chair every morning and night and talk to Mommy while you eat!
*You like to lay on your tummy and try your best to roll over, but get pretty frustrated that you can't!
You have the sweetest little smile that melts Mommy's heart!
*You have figured out how to kick your little feet and splash water in the bath tub and think it's pretty funny!
*You have noticed that there is a reflection in the mirror and think it's very funny. You love for Mommy to hold you in front of the mirror so you can talk to the reflection before your bath.
*You like to stare at sister (
Dutchess) and talk to her. She likes to cuddle up beside you while you nap on the floor.
*You still love to ride in the car and pretty much sleep the whole time while in the car and shopping with Mommy. I hope you stay such a good shopper because I like the company!
*You are pushing 17 lbs and are almost out of 6 month clothes already! Mommy can't believe how big you are at 4 months old.
*You just got your first pair of sunglasses and LOVE them!
*You still wake Mommy up once or twice during the night, but it's OK because that is the most precious time I get to spend cuddling with you!
This has been the best 3 1/2 months of Mommy and Daddy's life and we can't wait to see what you learn next!